In the 1850s the Spadone family opens Gutta Percha Co., maker of rubber mats and in particular fire hoses for the Fire Department of New York City.
Gutta Percha invents the first bias cutter designed to cut fire hose on the bias. The Spadone’s decide to make this cutter available to the up and coming tire industry, thus Spadone Machine Company is born.
During World War II, one bias cutter per week is shipped to tire companies that become defense plants for the war effort. Spadone is known as the “King of the Bias Cutters.”
In the early 1940s with the advent of wire fabric for radial tires, Spadone begins selling Alfa Electric Shears. The Alfa adapts to both the vertical and horizontal bias cutters to later become known as the wire fabric bias cutter in the 1960s.
In 1950, Peter Spadone, an honored Veteran, joins the company and adds other equipment such as tire tread trucks, buffers, and skivers to the product portfolio.
In 1953 the truck division opens as Romero Metal Products. They make guillotines and thousands of passenger tire tread trucks for tire companies in the U.S. and abroad.
In 1964 the Company moves to South Norwalk, Connecticut to an expanded production facility.
In 1970 Spadone opens a facility in East Norwalk where they manufacture tread end cement machines as well as smaller guillotines
From the 1960s to late 1980s Spadone begins selling Vaqua blast machines used to clean tire molds, nuclear decontamination, jet engine fan blade cleaning, and file sharpening.
In 1986 Spadone receives license to manufacture Vent Trimming machines from Firestone, selling these machines worldwide.
Spadone expands production capacity to manufacture “best in class” equipment for its global customer base.
Spadone celebrates 100 years of manufacturing excellence for the tire, rubber, plastics, food and pharmaceutical industries.
Next 100 Years
Spadone continues to innovate and invest in its product portfolio, automating processes by utilizing the latest technologies.